Scott Moorhouse is an environmental consultant and ornithologist with research interests focused on
large Larus gulls, raptors, and migration. His work has included an analysis of the feeding ecology and
behavior of breeding Iceland Gulls and comparisons with sympatric large Larus gulls at Kinngait, Baffin
Island, Canada; impacts of oil and gas development on breeding and migrating shorebirds, ducks, geese,
and other species at Prudhoe Bay, Alaska; hybridization in Glaucous and Herring Gulls at Prudhoe Bay;
impacts of oil and gas development on breeding seabirds on the Pribilof Islands, Alaska; nocturnal bird
migration in coastal central California and other locations; and raptors. His work on raptors has included
a study of urban nesting of Cooper’s Hawks in Colorado; migration counting at major concentration
areas such as Cape May, New Jersey and Duluth, Minnesota; long-term monitoring of breeding raptor
and Mountain Plover populations in short-grass prairie habitats in Colorado; and habitat use, and
feeding ecology and behavior of breeding Broad-winged Hawks in Ontario and Ohio.